Jack Hickey's Bid for the US Senate in 1982

Date: Jan. 30, 1982

I'm Jack Hickey, Citizen-Republican-Scientist, Candidate for the U.S. Senate. I live in the hills west of Redwood City. I served in the U.S. Navy in the early 50's at a time when I needed my country more than they needed me. The excellent training I received led to a career in high technology and my current position as Senior Research Scientist.
A few years ago I decided to get off my apathy and do something about the elements that are destroying the country that treated me so well.

Inspired by the success of Proposition 13, I chose the Initiative route to right the wrongs in our Education System. The moral and economic strength of our country is at stake.

The Educational Performance Voucher Initiativewhich I personally authored, was endorsed by Prof. Milton Friedman, Dr. Max Rafferty and leaders of the Pro-Family Coalition.

One and a half years and $50,000 later, I decided that Public Office would provide a better means for effecting the broad changes necessary to turn our country around. When Senator Hayakawa decided not to seek re-election, I chose the U.S. Senate for my entry into the political arena.

Most of the Candidates know what the problems are. Some even know what causes them. Our country needs the leadership of citizens who not only know about problems and their causes, but who can formulate and pursue permanent solutions. Citizens who will not be intimidated by special interest groups. I submit to you that I, Jack Hickey, am such a citizen.

One of the most pressing problems facing our country today is unemployment. Ten million people collecting $110/week account for more than half the budget deficit. Extension of benefits was one of Ronald Reagans few mistakes. The following scenario illustrates my point:

Three Congressmen, one State Senator and the Mayor of a large city face unemployment next year. With benefits, extended vacations are likely. Remove the benefits and you'll find Bob(Dornan) as Ambassador to El Salvador, John(Schmitz) in Palestine and Barry(Goldwater Jr.) an undercover agent for the CIA.

Pete(McClosky) will require reprogramming at Ted's(Bruinsma) school for surplus lawyers. The other Pete(Wilson) is sure to land a job with San Diego's Rapid Transit District.

Thanks to Ronald Reagan, a window of credibility has been opened to other permanent solutions to the problems facing our country. Republican's must act quickly and with conviction to steer this country away from the self-destructive course charted by the Social Experimenters.

There are those who would liken my common-sense solutions to throwing out the baby with the bathwater. What they fail to realize, is that the baby was stillborn.

The so-called safety-net functions more like an endless umbilical cord, strangling individual initiative as it meanders about. Traditional values such as family, charity and the work ethic have been suppressed by the cradle-to-grave cult. The internal strength of this country is at an ebb.

Streets are unsafe. Prisons are overcrowded. Drug trafficking runs rampant. Prostitution and gambling still exist.. The solution? Remove the profitability of criminal activity. Quit providing a marketplace for organized crime. When Deukmejian sprays Paraquat on Mendocino, drug related crimes are not reduced.

The illegality of most commodities creates more criminal activity than that commodity itself would produce.
The real crimes in our society are not obvious to many, ignored by some and perpetrated by others.

Social Security, which ostensibly is an insurance program, confiscates more than $4,000/yr. from the average young American family. This loss of income makes home ownership an obscure dream and the housing industry suffers. That's a crime!

Laws which establish the Education monopoly presume that parents are incompetent, and compel them to send their children to schools where violence and drug abuse run rampant, and values alien to their own and to much of society are taught. This is criminal!

The Personal Income Tax, with it's myriad rules, regulations and exemptions, was created by politicians to promote social goals. It has created an excess of diametrically opposed special interest groups, a drain on the nations skilled labor pool, and, as interpreted and enforced by the I.R.S, it is criminal!

Senator Percy proposed the sale of Federal assets to pay off the national debt. That's $20,000 for every family of four. I propose that Social Security obligations can and must be bought off for less.

I propose to restore competition to the education marketplace by breaking-up the Education monopoly.
I propose that the Personal Income Tax as we know it should be abolished. A flat rate tax for all with no exemptions would be an acceptable alternative, IF one is needed.

These proposals will have a far better chance of success if I am elected to the U.S. Senate. With your support and guidance we can help Ronald Reagan turn this country around.

I'm Jack Hickey, Citizen-Republican-Scientist, Candidate for the U.S. Senate asking for the support of all Californians.
